If you’re ever in an oilfield accident, it is critical that you work with an Austin Oilfield Accident Attorney who understands the ins and outs of these cases. Construction sites and oilfields are dangerous places to work and home to many catastrophic injuries. Reyna Law Firm is one such firm, working to help clients get everything to which they may be entitled. Although this can be a very stressful time, it is important to keep your priorities in order. This is especially true if you want to have a chance at receiving the financial recovery that you may be legally entitled to under Texas personal injury law. If you lost a loved one in a preventable oilfield accident, we can help you file a wrongful death claim in Austin.
When you’re dealing with the immediate aftermath of an oilfield accident, please keep the following important steps in mind:
- Immediately call 911. When you’re involved in a traumatic accident, your instinct may be to leave the scene or call a friend. However, this is the worst thing you can do if you want to ensure that you are treated properly. Once you’re out of danger, your first call should be to 911. This guarantees that medical experts will be the first people to see your injuries and will be able to address them in a timely manner. Also, you will speak with the authorities if you’d like to make a report.
- Do not speak to insurance companies under any circumstances. The representatives at insurance companies have one goal in mind—to close your case as soon as possible. However, this may not be your goal—especially if you believe you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. This is one phone call that should be left to those who have dealt with these companies before—experienced lawyers.
- Speak with a qualified personal injury law firm with offices in Austin. Our law firm will not take any compensation from you unless we win your case. Even the consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose by reaching out to us today. We’ll explore all of the important details that others may miss, analyzing your case so that you are in the best possible legal position when your accident is reviewed.
Working in Oilfields
Although many of us accept the statistic that jobs in the oil industry tend to be more dangerous than other occupations, it is also true that a lot of employers cut corners. When they cut enough corners and don’t put the proper safeguards in place, this is when many accidents occur. If you or a loved one has been affected by negligence like this, then you definitely need to have an attorney investigate the situation further. At Reyna Law Firm, we bring a caring and compassionate touch to every case we handle. Our entire team understands just how traumatic an oilfield accident can be, so you can always count on us to vigorously pursue your legal right to compensation.
Schedule your free case consultation with one of Texas’
most experienced personal injury attorney.
“This is your life, and I am here to work for you!”
Reyna Law Firm
2025 Guadalupe Street
Ste. 260
Austin, TX 78705
*By Appt Only
(512) 765-3181