What are some fidget spinner safety concerns?
August 11, 2017 -
Fidget spinners are all the rage with kids today. However, many parents wonder if these gadgets are really all that safe. You can protect your children and contact a Corpus Christi Personal Injury Lawyer as necessary by knowing the top safety concerns found with fidget spinners today.
Small Parts and Choking
Like many toys on the market, fidget spinners are recommended for children age three and older. They contain small parts that can come loose and become
choking hazards if children put their fidget spinners in their mouths.
Loose parts can also present a danger to older children who take for granted that their toys will remain intact while they use their fidget spinners. You should warn your children to keep the spinners out of their mouths and to alert you of any small parts that come loose so you can repair or discard the toy.
Lead Poisoning
Most of the fidget spinners available today are made from lead-free paint. However, those made by less than reputable toy makers may contain paint that is laden with dangerous
lead. The lead can be transferred from your children’s hands to their mouths, eyes, and noses. It can then make its way into your kids’ bloodstream and accumulate to a dangerous level.
Before you allow your children to play with fidget spinners, you should make sure that the gadgets are made by reputable toy makers and contain only lead-free paint. Further, a Corpus Christi Personal Injury Lawyer can take prompt legal action on your behalf in court if your child suffers lead poisoning from a fidget spinner.
Fidget spinners are designed to provide hours of amusement and stress relief for your children. Before you buy one of these toys, you should learn more about some of the top concerns that people have about them. Contact the J. Reyna Law Firm today if you suspect your children have been injured because of fidget spinners.
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