Spinal Cord Injuries and Their Treatments?
January 27, 2017 - Spinal Cord Injury
What are the different types of spinal cord injuries and their treatments?

Spinal cord injuries can be devastating for people of all ages. According to the Mayo Clinic, automobile and motorcycle accidents are the most common reason for spinal cord injuries. These accidents are responsible for approximately 35 percent of spinal cord injuries every year.
Below is an overview of spinal cord injuries and their treatments.
If you have been suffered an injury in Texas, it may benefit you to speak with a Corpus Christie spinal cord lawyer to discuss your options. Types Of Spinal Cord Injuries Medical experts divide spinal cord injuries into two different categories: Incomplete This type of injury occurs when the spinal cord is not severed entirely but partially. People who have this type of spinal cord injury have some ability to function.
Some examples of incomplete injuries include:
- Central cord syndrome and Anterior cord syndrome.
- Complete injuries are responsible for a total loss of functional ability, depending on the part of the spinal cord that is completely severed.
- Some examples of complete injuries are paraplegia and tetraplegia.
- Spinal Cord Treatments The first 24 hours are critical to the survival of those who have suffered a spinal cord injury.
- Emergency procedures stabilize the patient.
Once stable, doctors may treat with:
- Assisted Breathing Devices
- Palliative Care
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Surgery If Necessary
- Mental Health Counseling
Spinal cord injuries are expensive to treat, with many people needing lifelong care, even at home. For these reasons, it is crucial to speak with a Corpus Christi spinal cord injury lawyer for guidance.
If you have suffered a spinal cord injury or have a loved one who has died due to the negligence of another, contact professionals at the Reyna law firm today. During a consultation, a Corpus Christi Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer will examine your case and let you know what options you have available to you. Hiring a lawyer is one way to lessen the impact of a devastating injury or loss.