Fatal Accident. One Oilfield Worker Dies.
December 12, 2016 - Uncategorized
In April 2016, an equipment-related accident caused the death of an oilfield worker in West Texas. These deaths have increased as a result of the increase in fracking and oil extraction in U.S. oil producing states like Texas, Oklahoma, Montana, North and South Dakota, New Mexico, Utah, Louisiana, Wyoming, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska and Pennsylvania.
The Actual Number of Oilfield Deaths
According to OSHA, from 2003 to 2010, 823 oil and gas extraction workers were killed “on the job-a fatality rate seven times greater than the rate for all U.S. industries”.
In 2013, Texas reported 50 oil and gas industry related deaths. Most of the deaths are due to “cutting corners”. These kinds of accidents occur in Texas on an annual basis at the rate of 39 deaths per year. In 2003, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that Texas was in the top three states with oil and gas extraction industry fatalities.
How an Oilfield Accident Lawyer Helps
For families of loved one killed in these fatal oilfield accidents, an Oilfield Accident Lawyer possesses the knowledge and experience to help sort through legal issues and rights of family members. With the loss of a loved one to a workplace fatality, An Oilfield Accident Lawyer has the expertise to investigate each fatality. Also, an Oilfield Accident Lawyer carefully prepares the legal case that result in successful prosecution. Working in an oilfield imposes unusually high risk for workers as the statistics clearly indicate. It is important to have an experienced legal representation with a proven track record of success.
All employers are required by federal OSHA regulations to comply with laws regarding worker safety. When employers cut corners to save expenses and those results in fatalities, an Oilfield Accident Lawyer is the best legal expert to keep workers informed of their legal rights. Contact us today!